Wednesday 8 July 2009

38 Days Until Embarkation

Just over a month to go. Sooo excited!

I mentioned the other day that I would tell you about the excursions we might do. I say "might", because we have decided not to pre-book anything, due to the extortionate cost involved. For example; to see the City of Barcelona, for 4 hours, it costs £26 each (£14 child). So for the princely sum of £80 we can get off the ship and see Barcelona.
Or - for the lower price of... nothing, we can get of the ship and see Barcelona ourselves.

So where have we decided to see? Well, I've not been to Gibraltar before, so intend to do that one. Italy is a preference for Andrea, and then we'll 'jump off' in the South of France and Spain.
I've also never been to Lisbon; so we'll do that too. G-d, we'll need a rest after this holiday!!

We'll be doing the online check-in, and the Guest Documentation packs have arrived. They contain all the vital information we need to ensure we have a good time, not to mention the luggage labels for our suitcases. Somewhere, it mentions an allowance of 200lbs per person - that's a lot of luggage!!!

In due course we'll write lists, and start to pack. I've already done a great deal of shopping, and almost bought a complete wardrobe just for the cruise. See, I told you it was going to cost half again!

That's all for now, and I'll write again soon, to keep you updated on our preparations.

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